Spicy Fish Pot with Mushroom

Are you a fish lover? I am. I try all different styles to cook fish.

Spicy Fish Pot with MushroomSpicy Fish Pot with Mushroom

Fish, any fish will work. Mushroom, ginger, garlic, green onion, dry chili, cooking wine (optional), starch, cilantro, vinegar, sugar 1 tablespoon, salt.

Spicy Fish Pot with MushroomFresh Fish


1. Add starch and salt to fish, mix well
2. Fry fish with little bit oil, once fish is turning while, take it out
3. Add sugar into cold oil. When sugar is turning brown and start bubbling, add ginger, garlic, green onion, and red chili. Cook for one minute.
4. Add fish and mushroom, and cooking wine.
5. Add half cup of hot water, vinegar, and salt to taste.
6. Lower the flame and cook for about 10 minutes. When most of the water has evaporated, it is time to serve.

Spicy Fish Pot with Mushroom

Spicy Fish Pot with MushroomSpicy Fish Pot with Mushroom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummmm...there are no measurements for this recipe. except the sugar.